Last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill requiring that voters produce identification to show that they are legally entitled to vote. …
California Commentary
Density and our property rights
Several weeks ago, this column addressed Senate Bills 9 and 10, both of which deal with the controversial issue of housing policy and, more …
Help us repeal the Prop. 19 death tax
Whether you’re looking at historic election results or recent polling, it’s clear beyond any doubt that Californians hate death taxes. Back in 1982, …
The gross misuse of taxpayer money draws needed attention
As Governor Newsom stares down the barrel of the pending recall, we wonder if he has given any thought to what he might have done to forestall or, at …
Barring California taxpayers from the courts
Big government interests – and by “big government interests” we mean elected officials, bureaucrats, public sector unions and private corporations …
Fading rule of law in California
By now, only the truly delusional deny that California has an acute exodus problem. The number of people and businesses leaving the state is not just …
Recall Gov. Newsom, and keep the process
Two important topics previously addressed by this column are the propensity of progressives to change elections rules in order to tighten their grip …
The tax implications of SB 9 and 10
The Legislature has gone into summer recess leaving a lot of unfinished business. When they return, among the most controversial proposals left …
Don’t backslide on pension reform
In the category of “good news, bad news,” America’s recovering economy has had a significant positive impact on the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund …
Progressives pushing regressive taxes in California
Why do progressives love regressive taxes? The news that, as of July 1, several cities in very liberal Alameda County have increased their sales …