By the time you read this, as many as 5 million ballots may already have been cast in California. For those who are just now reviewing your ballot …
California Commentary
California’s legislative session: More big government, less freedom
Normally, the legislative session ends in September as the constitution requires. But this year, HJTA’s end-of-year legislative review was delayed …
California homeowners should read their tax bill before voting
This past week, most California homeowners received the two most important pieces of mail they are likely to get all year. These are your property tax …
California’s financial state deteriorates as officials slack on making financial data public
There are two ways California could use some truth in accounting. First, with the extraordinary level of waste, fraud and abuse in this state, it is …
There’s nothing ‘special’ about this special session
Gov. Gavin Newsom has yet again forced the Legislature into special session to continue his war against the oil companies. This time, his proposal is …
Taxpayer-funded political advocacy is illegal
As the November election gets closer, there are increasing complaints from voters over local governments openly supporting tax hikes. While local …
Should California return to a part-time Legislature?
In the waning days of every Legislative session, principles of good governance get tossed aside amid the rush of bills that must be passed by the …
Overtaxed Californians face hundreds of poorly-justified tax hike and bond measures
In a few short weeks, California voters will receive their ballots for the November general election. In addition to the critical candidate races, …
Good Zuck, Bad Zuck
Last week, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made headlines over his mea culpa for caving to pressure from the Biden-Harris administration to suppress …
Senator Alvarado-Gil is right. The Democratic supermajority isn’t working for California.
When a politician switches parties in California, it usually only goes one way – to the Democrats. When that happens, Democratic politicians tell us …