Members of the California Legislature apparently believe they have the power to change outcomes they don’t like. This is like awarding the NBA …
California Commentary
The relentless battle for legislative transparency
For decades, it has been nearly impossible for ordinary citizens to pierce the veil of legislative secrecy in our state capital. Of course, …
The California caste system
After the Legislature imposed billions of dollars in new car and gas taxes on Californians last month, a friend emailed me to register his …
Why taxes continue to go up and up
By Jon Coupal and Vince Fong | Before the ink on the governor’s signature has dried on the largest gas tax increase in California history, Sacramento …
If taxpayers are ‘cheap,’ it’s because they aren’t stupid
California’s already overburdened taxpayers are, once again, being blamed for being the problem, now that Gov. Jerry Brown has labeled those who …
Why the Newman recall is justified
State Sen. Josh Newman, who has been in office less than six months, is the target of a credible and well organized recall election. The recall effort …
Taxpayers need sanctuary from foolishness
By Jon Coupal and Melissa Melendez | Grandstanding California politicians seem intent on outdoing each other in finding new ways to appear to be …
Hertzberg bill kills incentive for smart water management
State Sen. Bob Hertzberg attempted to justify the latest plan to take more of your money in a column appearing in the Los Angeles Daily News. But his …
The hidden costs of gas-tax legislation
For the last three weeks this column has focused on both the policies and politics of the $5.2 billion annual transportation tax increase. In the …
More sleight of hand with gas tax hikes
If Gov. Brown and members of the California Legislature think that the backlash against the car and gas tax increases will subside any time soon, they …