California politicians are addicted to debt. For voters and taxpayers, it’s time to schedule an intervention. Let’s pick November 5th. The amount …
California Commentary
Gavin Newsom gaslights Californians as he jockeys for the White House
In politics, gaslighting means brazenly denying what people can see with their own eyes, and then refusing to admit the lie even when caught at it. …
Newsom wants to escape the mess he’s made in California. That doesn’t mean he should be president
Gov. Newsom is trotting around the country for the stated purpose of shoring up support for beleaguered President Joe Biden. But let’s acknowledge …
Governor, Legislature and Supreme Court collude to crush tax reform
In a shocking exercise of raw political power that comes with one-party rule, the California Supreme Court has removed the Taxpayer Protection and …
The big switch to trick voters
Proponents of the anti-Proposition 13 ballot measure Assembly Constitutional Amendment 1 (ACA1) are planning to amend the measure and replace it with …
Claims the California Legislature is transparent are bogus
“Transparency in government is paramount,” said Assemblywoman Gail Pellerin, D-Santa Cruz, proving that hypocrisy in government is clearly the rule in …
California taxpayers denied the right to vote on pension debt
For years, taxpayer advocates have warned about local governments’ increasing reliance on pension obligation bonds (POBs) to paper over fiscal …
Financial fraud at California’s community colleges
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed California’s fiscal mismanagement in countless ways, most spectacularly in the payment of more than $30 billion — some …
Enough bonds already!
Back in 2010, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, said that “the most significant threat to our national security is …
Time for California lawmakers to end home equity theft
In May of last year, the United States Supreme Court ruled that home equity theft — the practice of governments taking not just what is owed, but the …