Sometimes, in frustration over a perceived injustice, it is easy to think, “there ought to be a law,” but Californians should be careful what they …
California Commentary
The Great California Breakaway
California breaking off into the ocean as a result of the “Big One” is science fiction fantasy to Hollywood, credible urban legend to citizens of Los …
Can California’s Taxpayers Be Thankful for 2016?
If taxpayers focus on the results of the recent election, there may not seem to be much to celebrate. While the rest of America took a big step toward …
Will California’s Outlier Status Accelerate Exodus?
After recovering from the shock of the presidential race, California pundits began absorbing what all this actually means. There is broad agreement …
Will Cities Increase the Cost of Internet Services?
Why do city officials raise taxes? The answer, in some cases, is as simple as “because they can,” or at least they think they can. In recent weeks, …
Debt Addicts Spend Big Opposing Prop. 53
The usual suspects are digging deep into their pockets to make sure that California’s borrowing binge remains unchecked. Contractors, unions and bond …
Local Governments Rigging Elections — Again
With all the state and local taxes on the November ballot, one would think that government at all levels in California was starved for revenue. But …
Making It Harder for Politicians to Fib to Their Constituents
It was Will Rogers who said, “If you ever injected truth into politics you have no politics.” If the renowned satirist were with us today, he would …
Goblins and Gobs of Tax Hikes — Plus Your Property Tax Bill
As any reader of this column knows, voters will be confronted come election day with billions and billions of new tax hikes and bond measures (which, …
Prop 13 Report from Legislative Analyst Elicits Mixed Reactions
Two weeks ago, the California Legislative Analyst released a report entitled “Common Claims About Proposition 13.” On balance, the report was a …