Now there is no question that road and bridge maintenance is lagging in the Golden State. Most counties have an average pavement rating of “at risk” …
California Commentary
Crocodile ‘Tiers’ Over Water Rate Ruling
Last week the California Court of Appeal issued an important ruling interpreting Proposition 218, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association sponsored …
Excessive Traffic Tickets: Hurting the Middle Class Again
Even good drivers get an occasional ticket. But in the last several years, there has been a perverse incentive for eagle-eyed enforcement officers …
Minimum Wage Hikes Hurt the Economy and the Poor
California has raised its minimum wage four times over the past 13 years, with each increase outpacing the federal minimum wage. California’s current …
Look for the Union Label
Because of Proposition 13, the unions representing California’s government employees -- employees that are the highest paid in all 50 states according …
Taking It Out on the Little Guy
Gov. Jerry Brown has declared that opposition to efforts to reduce carbon emissions “borders on the immoral.” Hesitate though we might to debate …
Chutzpah Award
If an award were given for political chutzpah, members of the California Legislature would win hands down. An example of chutzpah – a word whose …
To Vote, or Not to Vote
Voter turnout in California is low. Just three weeks ago, the election held in Los Angeles saw an embarrassing 10 percent turnout. And, of course, the …
Anti-Taxpayer Forces Hit New Low in Special Election
Last November’s election saw some of the most craven political tactics ever seen in California. Fearful that they would lose the two thirds …
Whether Politicians Like It or Not Gasoline Is California’s Life Blood
The Field Poll reports that for the first time in seven years more California voters believe the state is moving in the right direction (50%) than …