Legislation just signed by Gov. Brown may help alert homeowners to the threat posed by per parcel property taxes. Parcel taxes have become one of the …
California Commentary
Beware: They Are Now Among Us
Humorist Will Rogers observed, “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” If Rogers …
How About an Exam for Office Seekers?
Given the horrible decisions recently being made by elected officials why don't we subject candidates for public office to a simple exam with the …
Amazing! Something Good from the California Legislature
The phone call was from a frightened older woman in the Central Valley. "I can't afford to pay my property taxes and I may lose my home by the end of …
Proposition 13 Survives Legislative Session
Two years ago when 2013-14 legislative session began things looked very dark for California homeowners. Democrats many hostile to Proposition 13 …
Let Them Drive Teslas
Once again Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg has thumbed his nose at the working class and other Californians of modest means by blocking legislation …
AG Blocks Real Initiative Reform
Just last month this column noted that the professional political class harbors great hostility toward the tools of direct democracy -- the powers of …
Lawmakers Don’t Think Rules Apply to Them
No one would dispute that California's diversity extends to the wide political gulf between conservative Californians and those who see themselves as …
To Be Well-Informed Ignore Political Ads
Ah August. For so many that means vacation when normally hard working Californians will be visiting theme parks going camping or maybe just relaxing …
More Politicians Should Visit the Real World
For a week he walked the streets of Fresno a homeless man looking for work. At night he slept on park benches during the day he tried to ward off …