You'd think that with all the well deserved bad press heaped on the High Speed Rail debacle that Governor Brown would be a little more circumspect …
California Commentary
Lawmakers Focus on the Frivolous
Given California's many serious problems including high unemployment a listless economy and drought one might think our Sacramento politicians would …
ACA 6: New Attack on People’s Power
We certainly understand the hostility that professional politicians exhibit against citizens using the tools of direct democracy. The People's right …
Arrogance of the Political Elite Costs You at the Pump
It's election season and finally there's a bit of good news for California politicians seeking reelection. A recent Field poll shows that for the …
Enjoy the Barbecue
It's an American tradition to gather with family and friends on the 4th of July. A barbecue trip to a beach or just a modest family get-together are …
Why Californians Don’t Trust State Government
Californians don't trust state government. A recent survey by the Public Policy Institute of California reveals that only 6 percent of voters believe …
Profligate: adjective; recklessly prodigal or extravagant. Given the experience of the recent recession one would think that our state political …
It Could Have Been a Lot Worse
Last Tuesday's election results are still being pondered analyzed and examined by the pundits trying to make sense of it all. But few of these …
‘D-Day’ Is Also ‘The’ Day for Many Californians
On June 6th many across the globe will be remembering the sacrifices made by thousands of American British and Canadian young men who hit the beaches …
Mileage Tax Would Put Big Brother in Your Back Seat
(and Within Arm's Reach of Your Wallet) California is known as the world capital of the car culture. The automobile played a central role in creating …