Shortly after Jerry Brown was first elected governor nearly 40 years ago he famously said "This is an era of limits and we all had better get used to …
California Commentary
The Political Class Underestimates You
The California Legislature reconvenes this week and the politicians may be on the verge of a major miscalculation because they don't understand how …
Who’s Looking Out for the Middle Class?
Thirty years of political engagement in California politics has led me to the realization that the middle class is woefully underrepresented in this …
Defending Your Right to Vote on Taxes
At the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association we receive thousands of calls each year from taxpayers with questions and concerns. Of all those about two …
Follow the Money — Down the Drain
What if you were told there is a corrupt dictatorship on the other side of the world where government officials are using US foreign aid to build …
Ronald Reagan Would Be Smiling
Because Ronald Reagan left office almost 25 years ago we shouldn't be surprised that most young adults do not remember him. But the real question is …
The Bullet Train Is Like the Walking Dead
Pop quiz. Which of the following statements is true? A. California High speed rail (HSR) will allow riders to travel between Los Angeles and San …
Prop 13: Still the 800 Pound Gorilla
This is a tale of coattails. The coattails of an 800 pound gorilla known as Proposition 13. In 1978 support for Proposition 13 swept 17 new …
Politicians Party In Paradise
Suppose you have been scrimping for years so that you and your family could finally enjoy a Hawaiian vacation. Winging your way high over the Pacific …
Riddle Me This
Riddle me this: Why do government projects never seem to be completed efficiently on budget and on time? Currently national attention is focused on …