There is no doubt that Americans owe a great deal to ancient Greek civilization that once dominated the Eastern Mediterranean including the island of …
California Commentary
Brown’s PERB: Wrecking Reasonable Pension Reform
When it comes to state government most people think of the governor and the members of the Legislature those who are elected by the voters and do …
Assume Nothing in California’s Tax Battles
The rejection of a sales tax on the Los Angeles city ballot has pundits and government insiders returning to their crystal balls in an effort to …
Shrieks and Moans and Spending Cuts
It's been said that taking a dollar from a bureaucrat -- and a politician too for that matter -- is like taking a piece of raw meat from a hyena -- a …
The Boredom Factor
Gov. Brown recently stated that he found the scandal involving the state Parks and Recreation Agency concealing millions of taxpayer dollars to be …
Of Obesity Bridges and Peanuts
Have California school officials found their own bizarre way to support Michelle Obama's campaign against childhood obesity? What else could possibly …
The Shameful History of Parcel Taxes
California homeowners are hearing more and more about "parcel taxes." Either they recently suffered sticker shock when they opened their property tax …
‘I Want YOU to Pay Higher Taxes’
There is a famous poster dating back to World War I that shows Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer over the words "I want you for U.S. Army." …
The Car Tax Increase is Back Again
One would think that the passage of Proposition 30 -- giving California the highest income tax and sales tax rates in America -- would have …
Prop 30 Ballot Scheme: Yes It Was Sleazy
Friday afternoon the Court of Appeals issued a ruling confirming what everyone -- liberals conservatives political pundits and the media -- knew: That …