One would think that the passage of Proposition 30 -- giving California the highest income tax and sales tax rates in America -- would have …
California Commentary
Prop 30 Ballot Scheme: Yes It Was Sleazy
Friday afternoon the Court of Appeals issued a ruling confirming what everyone -- liberals conservatives political pundits and the media -- knew: That …
What Taxpayers Should Know About Brown’s Budget
We've always thought it a bit odd how every January when the Governor releases the proposed state budget for the following fiscal year there is barely …
Wanted: A Loyal Opposition
At the core of this advice from the "School of the Obvious" is that the GOP must get more votes. However to accomplish this they are told that they …
More Happy Talk
A few weeks ago this column addressed all the "happy talk" coming from both our elected representatives and the news media about how California had …
Taxpayers’ Nightmare Before Christmas
After the November election taxpayers may have reason to believe that Santa has left them with little more than a lump of coal. But despite the …
Is Jerry Brown the New Voice of Reason?
Is it possible that Jerry Brown a life-long Democrat is now the voice of reason in Sacramento? There was a time when Democrats were proud to declare …
Happy Talk
According to several media accounts in the days since the election California has turned a corner and will soon resume its rightful place as the best …
The Manipulative Political Ads Play On
California government employee unions spent nearly $100 million in the lead up to the November election to convince voters to approve new taxes and …
Can Legislators Handle the Truth?
In the stirring courtroom scene from A Few Good Men Jack Nicholson's character responds to a pointed question with "You can't handle the truth!" The …