Those in some professions intentionally adopt language that is obscure and impenetrable to the uninitiated, wrote the late S.I. Hayakawa, a …
California Commentary
Jerry Brown, the Old Plymouth, and Pension Reform
For many years, Jerry Brown has been considered the master of political symbolism. Middle-aged and older voters will remember the “boy” governor of …
Guess Who Wants to Raise Your Taxes
Back in the days before he joined the dark side of “The Force,” Arnold Schwarzenegger was a compelling advocate for taxpayers. He noted that "from the …
What Do Prop. 30 and the New Fire Tax Have in Common?
Politicians are big fans of schools and public safety but not for the same reasons that most Californians support these important services. …
Censorship: Another Step on the Road to Despotism?
In June this column noted the dangerous consequences of one party rule in California. In addition to the fact that all major decisions affecting the …
Checking the Books
To outsiders California appears to be a decidedly liberal state. After all Mitt Romney is unlikely to even contest California and our super high taxes …
Prop. 13 Survives Another ‘Trial By Combat’
In the Middle Ages it was common practice in some European countries for those in dispute to resolve their differences through a judicially sanctioned …
Education: Who Loves Ya Baby?
Support for education consistently polls well in California and that support cuts across party and ideological identification. Sacramento politicians …
Time for Government Employees to Share the Pain
Those who make a good living off the taxpayers' dime can be quick to demand that others pay their "fair share." Case in point SEIU which represents …
Watching the Train Wreck
As most Californians know by now the California Legislature has just approved spending billions of dollars on what will surely prove to be the most …