Jerry Brown likes to drop phrases from an archaic language Latin to spice up his interviews. When discussing the hard work of politics Brown recently …
California Commentary
When Will We Be Number One?
We have just moved up from 5th to 4th in a ranking of all 50 states by the Washington DC-based Tax Foundation but for average folks this is not good …
Have You No Sense of Decency?
When Army special counsel Joseph Welch asked during the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings "Have you left no sense of decency?" he could just as easily have …
Are Promoters of the Prop. 30 Tax Increase in Panic Mode?
Promoters of Proposition 30 are losing their cool. Until last week backers of Jerry Brown's $50 billion tax increase were content to use their $40 …
Would You Buy a Used Car from These Guys?
Would you patronize a business whose advertising has been repeatedly revealed by the press as misleading? That is how numerous news outlets have …
Heads Up, Taxpayers — Incoming!
While voters’ attention is being diverted to the three major statewide tax increase measures on the November ballot, Propositions 30, 38 and 39, many …
Getting Burned by Dancing with the Devil
In a state Capitol hearing room, the taxpayer advocate waited patiently for the 37 special interest pleaders to finish speaking in favor of yet …
Spending Taxpayer Dollars to Push Prop 30 Is Illegal (Oh, and Politically Stupid, Too)
Does Governor Brown secretly harbor a death wish for Proposition 30? He claims this massive $50 billion tax hike is his highest priority as he …
Translating the Language of Politicians
Those in some professions intentionally adopt language that is obscure and impenetrable to the uninitiated, wrote the late S.I. Hayakawa, a …
Jerry Brown, the Old Plymouth, and Pension Reform
For many years, Jerry Brown has been considered the master of political symbolism. Middle-aged and older voters will remember the “boy” governor of …