Dear Governor Brown California taxpayers are tired of being misled and desperately want to hear the truth about the state budget. In 2010 voters …
California Commentary
What Would You Do With an Extra $13000?
When discussing spending programs and government debt bureaucrats and politicians like to throw out mind-numbing numbers like a volcano spits out ash. …
Sacramento: Welcome to the Real World
A longtime political observer remarked to me recently that all politicians should be required to shop at Wal-Mart. This is neither an endorsement nor …
This Week’s Agenda: Shenanigans in the Legislature
Citizens of California are almost always in danger from being victimized by the foolhardy actions of our Legislature. But some weeks are more …
Is the Governor Joking With California Taxpayers?
In announcing that his estimate of the budget shortfall has ballooned from $9 billion to $16 billion in just four months Governor Brown concluded "But …
Showdown at the CA Corral on Taxes and Promises
When one political party controls both the legislative and executive branches of government disputes are usually fought behind closed doors and the …
California is Burning! Quick More Gasoline!
There are good weeks and then there are bad weeks. For California particularly its beleaguered taxpayer citizens last week was a very bad …
California Pols Add to Uncertainty for Retirees
Retirees and aging baby boomers hoping to join them are facing a reality check after Social Security trustees announced last week the fund will run …
Quietly Protecting the Interests of Taxpayers
A recent behind the scenes dispute in the City of Huntington Beach illustrates how Proposition 218 the Right to Vote on Taxes Act continues to protect …
Your Autograph Is Worth Money
Among the most valuable autographs from living persons are those from the reclusive "moonwalker" Neil Armstrong Tiger Woods -- who signs very few -- …