The 2011 Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Legislative Report Card is out and from the perspective of citizen taxpayers and homeowners the grades of …
California Commentary
Let Taxpayers Be Heard
Although there were no statewide issues on the ballot last Tuesday many Californians had the opportunity to vote on local measures many of which …
Fast train backers pulling fast one on taxpayers
Imagine you see an ad in the newspaper for a very fast shiny new sports car at a low low price. Tempted you grab your wallet and rush to the …
‘How Many Divisions Does the Pope Have?’
In the waning days of WW II during a discussion of the future of Eastern Europe British Prime Minister Winston Churchill cautioned Joseph Stalin to …
An Insatiable Appetite for Taxpayer Dollars
Halloween is almost here and like a hoard of ravenous zombies the politicians the bureaucrats and government employee union bosses shamble along …
It’s Scary Season
It's scary season again and not because of the little monsters who will appear at our doors on Halloween. It's those property tax bills that are …
All Doubt Removed
Notwithstanding the fact that the government employee unions were the biggest financial backers of Jerry Brown's gubernatorial race against Meg …
Government Covers Mismanagement with Higher Taxes
An inspector general audit has found the Department of Justice is guilty of extravagances such as treating conference attendees to $16 dollar muffins …
Whack-a-Mole and Defending Prop 13
From the moment California voters passed Proposition 13 more than three decades ago it has been subject to attack. Scarcely before all the ballots …
Jerry Brown Can Be a Hero
As part of his ongoing campaign to raise taxes last week Jerry Brown made a pilgrimage to a major labor confab in Las Vegas. There he delivered a …