It's been reported that Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn told a friend "The three most important words in the English Language are 'Waitäó_ aäó_ …
California Commentary
Capone Would Be Proud
Cue the opening theme from the old "Untouchables" TV show that portrayed federal agents fighting Prohibition Era organized crime. In this week's …
Governor Just Who Are ‘We the People’?
Listening to Jerry Brown talk one is reminded of the old joke about the Lone Ranger and Tonto. The Masked Man tells his Indian companion "Tonto we're …
Teachers’ Union to Play “Thug” Card?
California's most powerful public employee union the California Teachers Association (CTA) has budgeted $1 million for a May campaign to browbeat and …
Sacramento’s Ongoing War Against Regular Californians
If you can afford a 19 percent increase in your electric bill and are reading this column in a newspaper you can move on to the sports section. The …
Want Leisure Time? Work for California
OK now that Governor Brown's effort to gouge even more from struggling taxpayers has been derailed -- at least for now -- let's return to the real …
A Heroic Defense of Taxpayers . . . So Far
California taxpayers are reminded of the guy who fell off the roof of a high-rise building. As he passed each floor office workers would call out …
It’s the Spending Stupid
"Government is like a baby" Ronald Reagan was fond of saying. "An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at …
Lunch with Jerry
Suppose an acquaintance invites you to lunch. You meet him in front of the restaurant where he announces that he is a little strapped for cash. Turns …
Cheering for Taxes: There They Go Again
Grabbing their pom-poms the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce has run out in front -- again -- cheerleading for a tax increase. Jerry Brown's plan …