Listening to Jerry Brown talk one is reminded of the old joke about the Lone Ranger and Tonto. The Masked Man tells his Indian companion "Tonto we're …
California Commentary
Teachers’ Union to Play “Thug” Card?
California's most powerful public employee union the California Teachers Association (CTA) has budgeted $1 million for a May campaign to browbeat and …
Sacramento’s Ongoing War Against Regular Californians
If you can afford a 19 percent increase in your electric bill and are reading this column in a newspaper you can move on to the sports section. The …
Want Leisure Time? Work for California
OK now that Governor Brown's effort to gouge even more from struggling taxpayers has been derailed -- at least for now -- let's return to the real …
A Heroic Defense of Taxpayers . . . So Far
California taxpayers are reminded of the guy who fell off the roof of a high-rise building. As he passed each floor office workers would call out …
It’s the Spending Stupid
"Government is like a baby" Ronald Reagan was fond of saying. "An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at …
Lunch with Jerry
Suppose an acquaintance invites you to lunch. You meet him in front of the restaurant where he announces that he is a little strapped for cash. Turns …
Cheering for Taxes: There They Go Again
Grabbing their pom-poms the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce has run out in front -- again -- cheerleading for a tax increase. Jerry Brown's plan …
Time for Taxpayers to Take a Seat at the Table
A recent editorial cartoon sums up the tension between average taxpayers and government employee unions. It shows two guys sitting at a bar. One head …
Service Cuts or Tax Increases: California’s False Choice
As the clock ticks down on the window of opportunity to place a massive tax increase on the June ballot to support Jerry Brown's budget plan taxpayers …