The cornerstone of Governor Jerry Brown's budget solution is to increase the very same taxes on income sales and cars that the voters rejected in …
California Commentary
Let the Voters Decide? Absolutely!
Governor Brown and the Democrats in the Legislature have "called out" the Republicans demanding that they support Brown's plan to put massive …
Public Pledges vs. Private Pacts
With Jerry Brown seeking a hefty five year tax increase on already overburdened California families there has been a great deal of criticism leveled …
Jerry on a Leash
Governor Brown has submitted a budget that he claims includes drastic spending cuts. And he has dropped the other sandal by announcing he will also …
Hardly a Transparent Budget
Jerry Brown is being applauded for bringing honesty to the California budget process. True compared to his predecessor his blunt talk is refreshing. …
What Jerry Didn’t Say About Prop. 13
There is said to be a policy in newsrooms that can be summarized by the phrase "If it bleeds it leads." Anyone who has ever turned on the television …
Well That Didn’t Take Long
During the week previous to his inauguration as the new old Governor Jerry Brown let it be known that in his view taxes are going to have to be …
Oops and OPM
California's efforts to build a High Speed Rail system is on track (pun intended) to become the biggest public sector "oops" project in American …
A Word to the Wise for New Lawmakers
This is an open letter to all newly elected member of the Legislature. Now that you have discovered the location of the restrooms and selected your …
We've seen this before. An ostensibly conservative legislator sells out California taxpayers by voting for a massive tax increase and everyone is left …