In Sacramento what's old is new again. It's like Jackie Goldberg the bombastic Assembly member who termed out in 2006 never left. In July of 2003 …
California Commentary
Pass the Suntan Lotion
While many Californians are taking a summer vacation few would do so if it meant leaving a mission critical task undone or worse violated the law. But …
Taxpayers Deserve a Better Return on Their Investment
Imagine walking through a California public school and hearing the voices of students singing "I am special" to the tune of "Frere Jacques." One might …
Enjoy the Barbecue
It's an American tradition to gather with family and friends on the 4th of July. A barbecue a picnic a trip to a beach or park or just a …
Government Picking Winners and Losers at Taxpayers’ Expense
It generates few headlines so many taxpayers are unaware that local governments continue to pump millions of dollars of tax increments -- property tax …
Don’t Mess With Proposition 13
Thirty-two years ago Time Magazine wrote about the passage of Proposition 13 "That angry noise was the sound of a middle-class tax revolt erupting and …
Public Pensions Could Bankrupt California
California's $19 billion budget deficit seems to worsen by the day but an even larger financial crisis is brewing in the state's pension system. Over …
Licking the Knife Blade
Like the proverbial wolf that continues to lick the knife blade because it enjoys the taste of its own blood the Democrats are back with another huge …
Greed and Ambition Fuel Prop. 14
Promoters of Proposition 14 on the June ballot are calling it the "open" primary. Ah yes "open" makes it sound so inclusive so liberating so …
Welcome to the Real World
In the real California taxpayers and homeowners are struggling to survive. Unemployment is 12.6% and those lucky enough to have jobs are having their …