In a state hard hit by recession the Los Angeles area is even worse off than most. Its abysmal unemployment rate is over 13%. No one around here says …
California Commentary
Government Workers Ride Into a Golden Sunset on the Backs of Taxpayers
For those who work in the private sector the dream of enjoying a comfortable retirement has become just that -- a dream. The impact of the …
Give Local Government Budget Control
A recent political cartoon showed an obese pig (representing unions) gorging itself on food. He is speaking to a skeleton (representing taxpayers) and …
Howard Would Be Proud!
In communities across the nation taxpayers are standing tall gaining strength by reaching out to each other and becoming a major force for the …
For ‘Protected Class’ Tax Day Is Like Christmas in April
Government employees have been described as "America's Protected Class" for very good reason. For the most part they are immune from the same …
Cutting California’s Corrections Costs
We all know California is swimming in red ink and facing chronic budget troubles. The state deficit is at least $20 billion -- again. Debt levels and …
Let’s Put an End to Tax Tyranny
Taxpayers are sick and tired of being used abused and forced to pay for government programs and services they don't want at prices they can't afford. …
Time to Draw the Line on the Energy Tax
In 2006 California embarked on a great experiment by passing its own law to reduce global warming. But Assembly Bill 32 "The Global Warming Solutions …
Steinberg’s Fake Reforms
Fake. Faux. Pretend. Bogus. Phony. There are a lot of words in the English language to describe something that is represented as something it is …
Still a ‘Precious Right’
The right of initiative has been properly characterized as a "precious right" by the California Supreme Court. Yet criticisms of direct democracy …