Why has the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee endorsed Meg Whitman? It's all about the "tipping point." To understand …
California Commentary
State’s Revenue Acceleration Is an Attack on Taxpayers
How would you like to be able to borrow as much money as you want and not have to pay any interest? And better yet when payments come due you could …
Remember the $12.6 Billion Tax Hike!
In this era of instant gratification and short attention spans it is easy to think of one year ago as "ancient history." However it is important to …
Checking In For Pay; Checking Out of Reality
How would you like to go to work at 9 a.m. wave to your boss and say "Hi I'm here. Bye" and then immediately turn around walk out the door and go home …
Is Proposition 13 to Blame for California’s Fiscal Crisis?
When California voters approved Proposition 13 by a landslide in 1978 they launched a nationwide revolt for lower taxes. Critics now blame that revolt …
Lights Camera Action!
It is said the most dangerous place in Sacramento is between a politician and a TV camera. This is because politicians by nature subsist on attention. …
Taxpayers — The Chopped Liver of the Budget Debate
There is an old expression "what am I chopped liver?" that is employed -- usually in a social setting -- when one is being ignored. For all the harsh …
A Recovery Program for California
For a decade California state government has spent more than it receives in revenue. The result? Our state has the lowest credit rating of all 50 …
Californians Are Tired of Bad News
Californians are tired of hearing about government's problems. Because they are struggling with their own crises -- including record high unemployment …
Wheels Coming Off High Speed Rail
When California voters barely approved a $9.95 billion bond measure for High Speed Rail in 2008 they had no idea how soon they would learn the true …