Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association members and frequent readers of this column have undoubtedly heard about Assembly Constitutional Amendment 1. ACA …
California Commentary
California taxpayers cool to costly climate bond
And you thought California’s $32 billion in Employment Development Department (EDD) fraud was bad. A small group of criminals in Detroit has …
SNAP out of it: Fraud hits California’s food stamp program
And you thought California’s $32 billion in Employment Development Department (EDD) fraud was bad. A small group of criminals in Detroit has …
Californians should be skeptical of creating a ‘right to housing’ in the state constitution
California voters may soon have to decide whether to enshrine a “right to housing” in the state constitution. Assembly Constitutional Amendment …
The buck passing never stops in California state government
President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that read “The Buck Stops Here.” In an interview with legendary journalist Edward R. Murrow, he …
Proposition 13 protects taxpayers from money-hungry special interests
Editor’s note: This commentary was published in the June 4 print editions of the newspaper as part of a pro-con debate page about Proposition 13. For …
Why are California’s progressive politicians so intent on gutting direct democracy rights?
When will progressives stop attacking the direct democracy rights? A couple of months ago, this column exposed the threat that Senate …
The California state budget Kabuki dance
In California politics, there are three major movements to the annual budget Kabuki Dance. In January of each year, the governor announces a proposed …
The fight to repeal Proposition 19’s death tax isn’t over
Oh, the irony. San Francisco is perhaps the most progressive city in the United States, although Portland and Seattle might put up an argument. So how …
Will Proposition 13 save San Francisco?
Oh, the irony. San Francisco is perhaps the most progressive city in the United States, although Portland and Seattle might put up an argument. So how …