Some months ago a baby-boomer friend of mine told me his retirement plan was to "work until I die." We both chuckled. No one who has watched …
California Commentary
Scary Times Made Scarier By Property Tax Bills
For many these are scary economic times as the value of homes and investments declines. Adding to the anxiety property tax bills are arriving in mail …
More Debt? You’ve Got to be Kidding!
Even in the best of times the three major bond proposals on the November ballot would merit a thumbs down. Propositions 1A 3 and 10 would put …
Let the Light Shine In
Since the founding of our republic there has been tension between citizens who want to know about the conduct of their representatives and those in …
Taxpayers: Victims of the Obama Factor?
The November election could see Californians confronted with a record number of local tax hike measures. Despite the fact the economy is in the …
The Pork Express
For six years in a row Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation (HJTF) have published the California Piglet …
CalTax Gets Rolled by the Governor
The California Taxpayers Association (CalTax) after weeks of heavy pressure from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger agreed to support his …
Time to Stuff the Bag Tax
It's the biggest tax hike you've never heard of. In a last ditch effort California grocers retailers and environmental groups are attempting to …
Report to Taxpayers from the Front in the Budget Battle
Last week saw several significant clashes in the budget war between those who have vowed not to raise taxes and those who would raise taxes in a …
A Tax Increase is a Tax Increase
Last week we heard rumors of a budget "deal" that Don Perata claimed he had with Governor Schwarzenegger. But those rumors dissipated faster …