California isn't the only state in the USA to shift an enormous burden on their taxpayers. Critics like Stuart Varney, writing in Fox Business, point …
NEWS: Billions pile up in special district accounts while critics say many should dissolve
Many Californians know little about the special districts intended to serve a variety of community needs, but their spending has increased rapidly in …
NEWS: California watchdog agency says it needs more power to go after misuse of public funds
With local prosecutors failing to file charges in cases where public officials have used public funds for political purposes, the state Fair Political …
OPINION: Antonucci: California Teachers Association pledges support for Prop. 13 overhaul
In preparation for the November 2020 ballot, the California Teachers Association (CTA) has announced its support in defeating Prop. 13 and introducing …
OPINION: CALmatters: Could California pension system be underwater?
A sharp stock market decline has pushed CalPERS funding level to 67 percent, highlighting the urgent need for action by policymakers, reports Dan …
NEWS: Gas is getting more and more expensive. California lawmakers demand an investigation
With California's gas prices being among the highest in the nation, lawmakers started asking questions after the California Energy Commission found an …
NEWS: Strike or No Strike, Pensions Problematic for LA Schools
Los Angeles schools are currently facing a financial crisis due to rising pension and healthcare costs, demands for higher wages from teachers, and …
OPINION: Will Californians strike a blow for lower taxes and gasoline prices?
California has the second highest gas tax in the nation at 52.22 cents per gallon, second only to Pennsylvania. With the state now expected to raise …
OPINION: Illinois Progressive Moves to California, Seeks to End Prop 13 Property Tax Cap
With unsustainable debt and spending by state politicians, Illinois homeowners have been socked with skyrocketing property taxes that are now double …
OPINION: You Can’t Go Home Again
Northern California's Camp Fire destroyed 14,000 homes last month, leaving 26,000 residents of Paradise homeless. Despite that, the people who lost …