California is doomed to fail. It's not "if" but "when". Critics like Patrick Bobko, writing in Townhall, say that the Democratic Socialist victory in …
OPINION: CALmatters Commentary: Coy about taxes and pension costs
Taxpayers were recently confronted with 111 local tax increase proposals on their June primary ballots, and many local officials are beginning to …
OPINION: California’s Titanic budget heading for fiscal icebergs
California's political leadership recently passed a record $200 billion budget, but a closer look reveals this massive budget is actually like the …
NEWS: Supreme Court rules nonunion workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions
In a 5-4 ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled that non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public-sector unions, as reported by …
NEWS: With court case looming, California unions pack state budget with labor goodies
Indicating California labor unions are concerned they may lose a key Supreme Court case currently under consideration, union lobbyists are already …
NEWS: CLU report says California’s economic policies are driving out people and businesses
California's economy is soon set to be no better than the national average. As reported in the Ventura County Star, Cal Lutheran's Center for Economic …
NEWS: They made how much? Watchdog group notes public employee pay in So Cal
Data recently revealed by Transparent California illustrates the excesses of government employee pay, including two retiring Riverside County …
OPINION: An Old Tale: Help is Coming for Public Unions from Legislative Majority
In anticipation of an unfavorable ruling on the Janus v AFSCME U.S. Supreme Court case, California government employee unions are looking to …
OPINION: Bubble Watch: Is California’s anti-business vibe killing the state’s economy?
In this week's installment from the Mercury News' Bubble Watch column, Jonathan Lansner writes that California's business climate might not be as dire …
OPINION: California’s economic potential undercut by regulations
Citing high taxes, high costs, and an overabundance of regulations, California has once again been ranked last in Chief Executive magazine's "Best and …