Governor Brown has called a special session of the Legislature to increase your taxes. Number one on the tax raisers’ agenda is Senate Bill 1 (Senator Jim Beall, D-San Jose) that would impose a 12 cents a gallon gas tax increase and 22 cents increase on diesel. The new taxes proposed would be added to what are already the highest gas prices in the nation. In addition, they want to add to this a hike in the vehicle license fee (car tax) of 50% and an 80% increase in the cost to register a vehicle.
The politicians claim money is needed for roads and they are looking to raise at least $3.5 billion annually on the backs of California drivers, even though State Controller Betty Yee has said the state is awash in cash – current tax receipts are almost $6 billion over expectations. And let’s not forget that much of the money taxpayers have provided through gas taxes and fees has been spent by the Legislature for other purposes.
This year’s state budget increased spending by $7.5 billion, yet they ignored spending on roads. Now, they are reaching for your wallet demanding more money if they are going to fix the pot holes.
Immediate Action Needed!
The SB 1 tax increase will be considered by the Senate Transportation Committee on Wednesday, August 19th. The bill’s author, Senator Jim Beall, is also the committee chairman. Senator Beall needs to hear from you. Tell him that our gas taxes are high enough already. Call him at 916-651-4015
If you are unable to speak to the Senator or a member of his staff, be sure to leave your polite but firm message. Please call now!